
Articles of "2023"



Chouchou and no go’s first collaborative EP album “Dialogue / Daydreaming” out Aug 28, 2023Chouchou × no go、初のコラボレーションEP『Dialogue / Daydreaming』2023年8月28日にリリース


Chouchou and no go’s first collaborative EP “Dialogue / Daydreaming” has been released on August 28, and now available on Bandcamp, iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music and other music download/streaming services.

No go is a solo project by arabesque Choche that mainly focuses on Lo-fi Hip hop. This is an ambitious work by arabesque that connects Chouchou and no go, two distinct projects in their own styles, with juliet’s vocals, and fuses them together in a Chouchou-like arrangement while still maintaining the rough vibe of no go.

The first single “Dialogue,” which triggered the launch of no go, arabesque Choche’s solo project focusing on Lo-fi Hip hop, and the popular song “Daydreaming” from his second album have been newly released with juliet’s vocals and the spirit of Chouchou.

Take a listen to the sound of the end of summer as depicted by Chouchou and no go.

Special Site


Chouchou × no go、初のコラボレーションEP『Dialogue / Daydreaming』が8/28(月)にリリース。現在Bandcamp、iTunes、Apple Music、Spotify、Amazon Music他、各種音楽ダウンロード/ストリーミングサービスより配信中。

arabesque ChocheがLo-fi Hip hopをメインに活動するソロプロジェクト、no go。Chouchouとno go、それぞれ独自のスタイルを持つ2つのプロジェクトをjulietのボーカルで繋ぎ、ざらついたno goの雰囲気をそのままに、Chouchouらしいアレンジで融合させた意欲作。no goの始動のきっかけとなったファーストシングル『Dialogue』、そして2ndアルバムから人気曲『Daydreaming』の2曲が、julietの歌声とChouchouの風を纏って新たにリリースされました。

Chouchou × no goが描く夏の終わりを聴いてください。





Chouchou new EP album “Tomorrow, Beyond the Flower Storm” out Mar 20, 2023Chouchou新作EPアルバム『明日、花嵐の向こう側で』2023年3月20日にリリース


This spring, Chouchou depicts in their new EP “Tomorrow, Beyond the Flower Storm” a story of beautiful and sad arrival of spring, farewells, and new beginnings. The four songs, each featuring the same chorus but arranged differently, carefully weave universal themes such as sometimes a graduation and a new departure, sometimes an eternal separation from a loved one, and sometimes love, together with the beautiful colors of spring.

The new EP “Tomorrow, Beyond the Flower Storm,” which includes these four songs plus two instrumental versions, are now available on Bandcamp, iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music and other music download/streaming services.

We hope you will listen to these songs this spring under the cherry blossoms in full bloom, thinking of your loved ones.

Special Site



インスト版2曲を含む全6曲入りのEP『明日、花嵐の向こう側で』は現在、Bandcampを始め、iTunes、Apple Music、Spotify、Amazon Music等、各種音楽ダウンロード/ストリーミングサービスより配信中。

